I always had 1/32 size toy soldiers in the toy box for as long as I can remember. Bought for 6d each from "Johnsons the Jewelers" in the village (obviously
Then on a shopping trip to Redcar in 1960-something i came across Chas. Hunters Model Shop. The shop had one window that was filled with Airfix sets, and Alladin could not have been more astonished when he found the cave. I bought Japanese infantry (I liked the caps) and I couldn't quite believe that for 1/6 I was getting nearly 50 soldiers. Even with the plastic window in the back I didn't fully believe it till I got home and opened the box.
My dad was a bit disgruntled that I'd bought Japanes figures, so I had to go back to the shop and get the Eighth Army set as well
I bought nearly everything Airfix made over the years but, for me, Human civilisation had reached it's highest point the day i saw Airfix's Napoleonic Highlanders in the shop window. They were my first Napoleonic figures and are probably the reason why I'm here today, so now you know who to blame.