It's really unbelievable what some people can do. If you don't want to see the construction of the ship, you should skip ahead to 59:20. I don't know what others say, but I am more than impressed. Only the music is a bit annoying in the long run.
Fantastic work, adding in the working bilge pumps is oddly the most active bit of the scenery but necessary for realism. I had large models of the Big Mo as well as the Hood, and Bismarck. I blew them up with firecracker in my first movie making attempts. Such is the life of `12 year olds. I wonder if anyone present on VJ day still survives? Cheers, Bessiere
Coincidentally, I also saw that YouTube video yesterday, Konrad, and I thought exactly the same as you. What struck me most was the huge number of such small figures on the deck of the ship.