Thanks so much for your feedback, Chris, Gunnar, Bessiere and Enrico.
C M Dodson wrote:...I am watching your work with interest as I fancy creating an Austrian band for something different...
As you can read in the first post of this thread, Chris, the original inspiration to start this project came precisely from this comment of yours in a previous thread.
Susofrick wrote:Been thinking of buying these...
I highly recommend you to buy them, Gunnar. Not only because in my case they have put an end to a childhood trauma I had been carrying around for years for never having been able to own them, but also because they are an excellent raw material for different types of bands from the last two centuries, both military and civilian, as I know of no other manufacturer that has produced such a complete band in 1/72.
Bessiere wrote:Amazing work Santi. I keep dreaming about a French Imperial Guard band hoping someone will create one but you make me wonder if I could make it myself. I am patient but enough to create an entire band (20pc) ? Not quite that patient...
It's true that for the band you want, Bessiere, it would be necessary to deeply convert the original figures of this set, due to the important differences in the uniforms. But if you have the patience, I invite you to give it a try. I'm convinced that the result would be worth the effort.
Another possible solution would be to use the musicians from Strelets' set 013 (Napoleon's General Staff), complemented with the drums and fifes that almost all Napoleonic infantry sets usually include:
Iceman1964 wrote:...these conversions are amazing !!!...
No more than yours, my friend.
Back to my Spanish Royal Guard band, the drum major figure is costing me more than I thought, as I'm finally not using the figure included in the set as a starting point but a different one.
What I have also done at the same time is to replace the tuba player's head with a new one, as the almost absence of the collar and the shape of the ros didn't convince me. Here is the figure with the new head compared to the old one. I think the improvement has been worth it:
As soon as I have the drum major ready and photographed I will post the pictures.
Best regards.