After a Supplier refused to let me buy over 10 items,I have had to make more ,and more stuff of my own. I don`t see buying over 10 items as a big order,but they were serious ,and the 40 items that I wanted to buy still sit there in their shop on E Bay.
So they not wanting my £120.00 has ment,One,Two,Three new moulds using the Black Stuff have been made,and all have produced castings well fit for my little needs. Funny really me saying that,because this project has grown out of all proportions for a little Fiddle Wood Gnome. In fact the only places not filled up to the brim with ancient looking stuff,are the dog baskets.
Below one of those moulds,a simple crude thing,but this is a most effective way to make a mould using the Black Stuff!
Made in two parts very quickly indeed because this stuff cools off pretty darn quick. So the front was made first and after it had cooled, I then did the back and both sides of the figure.
But My O` My,I have not told you yet what it is. It`s an Egyptian Sphinx. I had cast a sample head and face up to see how it would look ,but seemed to have lost the darn thing,however I`m sure it will turn up in due time.
I decided through experience that the thin sides needed support so an old Plastic Jug with dry sand inside it will do the trick.
It goes snugly together and does not look a pretty sight,however what counts is what will come from inside it.
I decided through experience that the thin flimsy sides needed extra support so an old plastic Jug filled with dry sand came into play.
After bedding the mould in more sand was added to each side giving it the needed support. It was then cast up as can be see, The end result I`ll show at the end of this post.
________________________Meanwhile Another Puzzle Takes Shape _________________________________
Fred and MayBell, are on the snoop again and they seem always to find something that is a puzzlement for both their heads. And talking of heads they seem to have found one.
"What can this possible be MayBell?"______ "Well Fred,I`d say it`s a Tut,Tut Head!"_____" A what?"___ ____" You Know Fred? As in King Tut!"_____ "Oh No MayBell. It`s not him."
"What makes you say that Fred?"_____ " Well,I sort of over heard BB,saying he`s working on a Ray`Am Sea`s. So it can`t be a Tut,Tut Head."____ " Wow! Fred you sure amaze me at odd confusing difficult times."_______________ " G,Thanks MayBell. But,could you kindly define Odd Confusing Difficult Times?"_____" Sure can Fred. It`s like you not being able to count past 3 ." _____" Well, for a fact MayBell oneday I will." _____ "Why not try now Fred?"_______ "OK! The one head belongs above two paws with sharp claws. And the other two paws are below a spinning tall tail. So that makes four paws."________ " Wonderful Fred you can count up to 4."______ " No MayBell,I cannot,I can only spell up to four and beyond ,but not count 1,2,3 , ! ______________"I`mmmm,Fred what`s this about,a spinning tall tail?"______ " O` that's easy-peasy! I overhead BB,saying to Mrs B, " I`ve made this to go along with a Spinning Tall Tale on the Forum."_______ " Fred I am utterly lost for words."
End Result Success!
This is just one of a beginning. BB