Be the force with you. The small Fan paint his Loc in the same colore and on top of the roof the Number 19! No 19,you see that the steering rod and the plate for the move is in an angle!
Hard to see but the Person in the small chapel hold his arms in front of his face. He won`t see this driving style.
Here is the roadbook with three arrowes like a circle!
The Ackermann of the front axle. And a rat in the corner. The left side of the dark Chapel base is blue because the Bugatti`s back scratches at it.
Roadbook of 24 is in Asian letters! The dirver and codriver of No34 are Czech and French that you see
at the window.
His roadbook is a commercial flyer for woman cloths! That the codriver get some of the armatures is real.
No 34 flatened the cat. One of the fan`s ist watching the leading part of the Alfa. A hex nut.
No 13 for the crashed Alfa. Licence plate: 6EQUJ5 use Google.
The man between house no 55 and 57 do an NO GO! The women behind give him an unforgettable lesson.
This plate becomes a dream.
An British MG in british racing green can only be JB 007.
And an britisch HP 8 Tourer is then Mi 6. The men with the plate for car 19 see that No 33 lost now a lot oil and Change the position for his team with red.
The cat flattener , T 1000 (hasta la Vista Baby)
And the out of space looking car get NCC1701.
Thanks for watching.