The Battle of Quatre Bras 16th June 1815
Timeline 2PM
Overview of the battlefield from the mill at Thyle looking towards Ferme de Gemioncourt with the crossroads in the top right corner.
Looking west towards the crossroads with the Ferme de Gemioncourt and stream on the left. The Dutch militia are stationed on the chemin Bati-Saint-Bernard showing the difficulty facing 2nd Netherlands Division in covering so much ground with so few troops.
View towards Ferme de la Bergerie with Nassau reserves by Ferme des Quatre Bras.
Looking west towards the etang Materne. Dutch 27th Jagers line the hedge to the right with a Dutch horse artillery element [ 2nd Lieutenant Koopman] looking down the Namur road.
7th Belgian line battalion positioned by Ferme de Gemioncourt. The tall nature of the crops is evident, causing movement and command problems for both sides.
The French artillery commence the engagement by opening fire on the Dutch Belgian artillery, practically the only visible target due to the height of the crops and the dispersed nature of the Allied defence.
The French 5th Infantry Division, Lieutenant-general Baron Gilbert-Desiree Bachelu, begins the advance.
1st Brigade, Marechal-de-camp Baron Pierre-Antoine Husson is directed towards the farms of Lairalle and Piraumont supported by 1st French cavalry Brigade, Marechal-de-camp Baron Pierre-Francois Huber.
The 2nd Brigade,Marechal-de-camp Baron Toussaint Campi advances towards Ferme de Gemioncourt but is hampered by the difficult terrain and the du Pre des Quelles stream.
This movement is supported by cavalry from the 2nd Brigade, Marechal-de-camp Bron-Francois-Isidore Walthiez.
Dutch Jager contest the advance.
9th French Infantry Division , Lieutenant-general Maximilien-Sebastian, Comte Foy commences its advance towards the crossroads of Quatre Bras.
The Emperor will reward every man who goes forward.
Vive L'Empereur!