Posted by matgc on 09 Jan 2017, 12:27
Each unit had its own regulation on every aspect of their uniforms, saddles included. The white trim on red saddle is for the bavarian chevauleger.
The austrian chevauleger and dragoons used yellow trim on red. My unit of dragoons has it gold instead of yellow due to my ignorance of the correct color at the time of painting the original unit. When I found out what the actual color should be, I just didn't feel like painting those trim on the entire unit all over, so just kept them as they were, and added a few more horses with the same gold trims.
But your models you should paint as it pleases you. And you can always find a plausible justification for that if you inner "buttom counter" so requires (mine is usually well-behaved, but it sometimes makes a fuzz about tiny details).
For instance, I tell myself that my austrian dragoons were allowed to wear gold trims in place of yellow due to some outstanding feat in battle.