I shown the masters I sculpted for my friend Edoardo in the WIP section last april...
Ad Proelium Miniatures released this set from some weeks.
And now finally I painted this set which particularly inspired me!
The characters represent the famous meeting, and are:
two of Stanley's guides with a rifle and a flag,
Kalulu, the young slave released and adopted from Stanley.
Stanley, Livingstone and a man form the local village.
The original masters...
I forgot to take a photo of the unpainted metal figures, but as you can see by the painted figures the casting is really excellent!
There is another nice set about Livingstone in program, the famous scene of him ill and carried on a covered stretcher!
Another very particular and nice set, both the stretcher and the guides and the carriers can be used also for similare scenes and other periods.
Actually I should had already sculpted it... but some unexpected problems and corrections on some works delayed everything, as usual.
If there are no other contingencies probably this next set will be ready in a month or two.