You are really an encouraging lot on this forum - and incredibly active. My internet connection was down yesterday, and there seem to be endless new entries. Amazing!
First of all a big thank you for your interest. I will introduce myself somewhat.
I collect 72ers because it is a very relaxing hobby for me : cleaning, converting, painting, setting up scenery. Then I am a very interested in history and politics (OK, this is not a politics forum). I have very little space. So my concept is "flying dioramas". I set up dioramas just for a photo session - covering specific historical topics.
So, yes, you have all guessed quite right, I tried to put some story to my pictures.
The first crusade is an incredible event :
- the fanatics taking the journey to Jerusalem armed with sticks and faith - you saw the outcome
- the culture clash of (middle) East meets West. I was guesing what kind of mutual influences happened at this moment
- the adventurer knights - often the 2nd in hereditary line - so little chance to rule at home
- and they made it against all odds - quite one of those moments when some single historical configuration makes it possible
- a time when heraldry was in infancy. I tried to make up what proto - armuries there cold have been. You can possibly identify : Bohémond de Tarent, Raymond de Toulouse, Baudouin de Boulogne, Hugue de Vermandois, Robert de Normandie (that's me), Stéphane de Bois, Robert de Flandre, Godefroy de Bouillon
I wanted to do some more pictures, but my family arived with friends, lots of children and I had to clear the kitchen
to Konrad : I have seen your work on this forum and you have given me a lot of inspiration - like many others
Again - thank you all for your encouragement. Now, I'll try to do more