A fresh new start,to conversion, but only on the horses.Any box set shown below will do for the Waterloo period. Once changed it is then up to the individual to decide upon any regiment they wish to paint.
The work on these is not going to be easy each horse needs fixing to its base. The blanket roll needs modelling in front of each saddle,( Green Stuff ) ,and Double reins need constructing & fitting to each horse too.
Really though looking at it logically this is really no conversion at all,but an attempt to bring these horses up to an acceptable standard where they than can be used on a Diorama, and not look out of place.
Here are three,which show where the blanket & reins are to be fitted.
( blu tac & wire illustration only)
As we can see clearily in the picture these massive raised plastic rings must be trimmed off,and hopefully leaving a good end result.
As I had to wait weeks for the Grenstuff to arrive,I delayed the posting on this conversion,and have added Part One as it was already in place,and because it is dealing with theory rather than any work being carried out. However I thought it apt to still include it. This part,Part Two is dealing with work having been carried out.
The horses I Super Glued to the base._______________ Most Irritating!
I then heat sealed them by melting them in place from the bottom with my cheap Soldering Iron.
This might seem overkill,but this does cut down on the risk of horses being separated from their bases during painting and varnishing.__________ That believe me is Most,Most Irritating Indeed.
( Sorry. Dirty nails due to painting other stuff! )
The first few being worked on.
My first ever attempt at this sort of work.
Now there should be a Sheep Skin added over the saddle, but I intend to paint the saddle in off white rather than trying to create something that is not seen in detail, but depending on the look of the finish, I might well try adding one that over laps slightly the blanket and the saddle.
The Greenstuff was directly modelled on the figures to create both Blanket & extra Bags ,while making sure the figures fit snug between the two.
I waited until the next day before applying primer by then it had cured very hard. They look rather crude at present,but after extra work cutting off those horrid rings,then the real painting comes next. Last job will be making the double reins. BB