I own these figures from some 25 years ago, so we must say that I took my time before painting them… The fact is that I’m not very fan of modern subjects. And Esci figures, having they charm, look a bit obsolete, doll and unrealistic, under today’s standards. But I did like the experience of painting them and now I can let them alone, so, soon or later the Marines will follow…
Talking about the subject, I’m not sure Esci’s figures can be considered strictly Vietcong forces; probably they look more like North Vietnamese Regulars… that’s why I’ve painted mostly green uniforms with very few individuals wearing the VC typical black clothing. The tank is an out-of-date Russian T-34/85, provided by the Chinese from vintage Korean War stocks. We don’t associate the image of tanks warfare with the Vietnam War but the fact is that the NVA use them, mostly on the attacks near the North Vietnamese border and the final stages of the war, like the AN LOC offensive. In fact, they use far more modern vehicles than this T 34/85, mostly PT-76 and T-54’s.
Many thanks for stopping by…