We're comin' up on SEC Media Days...'bout a month out. Once that happens I can't ignore the upcoming season any longer...I'll start listening to the radio shows every day...start watching the calander...I won't be able to avoid the fact that it'll all still be two months out.
Maybe I can use the time to finally finish the preview. I guess that'd be better than what I normally do, scrathing marks in the wall with all the joy of an inmate counting down his time in the hole.
As an appetizer I give you (with a special shout out to the guest lurker known as Tallan) the Groom's Cake at my nephew's wedding....
The wedding was in Savannah Georgia and aside from immediate family...the place was crawling with Bulldogs. One little Puppy actually managed to get his hands on the cake, but was pulled off it before he could do any permanent damage (If I had been his age, and it was the other way around...they'd have had to remove me from the building