Rosbif wrote:Lovely work, Edwardian. I like your style of painting white uniforms. Very well done!
Are you a wargamer? if so, what rules do you use? I'm about to expand my Spanish forces using these same figures, and rebase the ones already in my collection (aargh!
) because I misread the basing size.
Thank you all for the kind comments; they are greatly encouraging. I hope to start work on another unit shortly.
Rosbif - I have never gamed, but hope to one day! I base based upon what seems to be a sensible compromise. The look of the thing is important, so I prefer to mount each company 2-deep.
One of the challenges, I have found, in starting on Napoleonics is deciding how best to represent a unit; numbers, layout, basing, etc.
I have tried to stick to the correct number of companies per battalion and take the actual strength of the unit at a ratio of 1:20 as the starting point. I then round up or down as necessary. Spanish 4-company battalions are either 32 figures or 24 figures as a consequence.
The French will doubtless need to be 24 or 36 for 6-company battalions, though I think the
légions de réserve de l'intérieur battalions at Bailen will be most conveniently portrayed as 4-company battalions.
Prussians (1808-15) are also 4-company based, and probably 32 or 40, given their strengths.
British battalions, often closer to 500 men than 1,000 in the field, might be best dealt with as 2 flank companies plus the centre companies based as four 2-company divisions, but we shall see.
Looking for a relatively quick play set of rules suitable for this scale of forces and not prescriptive about basing I have been recommended
General de Brigade, but, frankly, I am prepared to adapt Charles Grant's "old school" approach to suit.
Any insights on the subject of rules would be welcome and appreciated, though I am unlikely to change the way I base, because I like what I've done in that regard!