Made: 2018
RS- Models: Flettner 282
Figures: Preiser, Noch, Cäsar, Zvezda, SGT`S Mess, Monty`s Models, Tanks vs Panzer, IMAI,
Black dog model, Dusek
I do not want to land this helicopter on a simple flat base as seen always in the internet of build ones.
I get two ideas. One landing on a Fährendeck (roughly say a raft) from Dragon on a water base.
Because the German Navy get interest for the Flettner 282. And do test on ships with it.
Or the idea you can see now.
My stash for house was very limited. So it took me a while till I came across an old never finished and cannibalized Dio. Breake down the two house segments very easy. Look at my small stash of bases. Hold the three side house in hand. Find the quarter base.
Fit !
The other house segment will sit beside.
Then I cut a few big parts of the 282 for checking the size. Put the houses on the base, hold the 282 basic parts close to it. Will do !
An idea, material exist, a few weekends spare time.
GO !
I really like things like that.
Use the old stuff (houses) combined with something to do (Flettner 282) and a few useful figures as bits and bobs around.
And all that on a base I thought at home after buying it several years ago: " Do you really will use such a small base ever?"
For naming the Dio there are three titles in my mind.
1. Adlertag: Long time my fafourit.
2. Robi, Tobi und das Fliewatüt: There is no Robi (Robi is an robot).
3. And the used one: This idea I get suddenly yesterday.