Attack! is a strategic war game set in the mid 1930's during the conflict between 4 political systems - Democracy, Facisim, Communism and Imperialism.
This first picture is of the game board. It's about 60cm x 150cm in size.
The world is split into regions which you attempt to take control of, either by military or diplomatic methods. Heres a closer view of some sections.
Each region you control gives you a (radomly drawn) resource card like the ones in the picture below. The resource points on each card give you points to buy new forces with Infantry the cheapest, then Artillery, Tanks and Aircraft.
The game uses 2 x 6 sided dice and 8 x Attack! dice. Images of these below.
As can be seen above, the Attack! dice have pictures on them of Infantry, Artillery, Tanks and Aircraft. When you attack an opponent, you roll as many dice as you have forces. If the picture on one of the dice matches a unit you have, you destroy an enemy unit. Note that there is a blank face on each dice representing a miss and that the aircraft image is on two faces unlike all other units. So what are these units you ask?
This picture is of the infantry units, and as can be seen they are in a bright plastic colour, one colour for each player (so up to six players with the basic game).
The figures are 1/72nd size, but as can be seen in the close up below are rather ugly. They are also all identical.
Needless to say, this just won't do for a figure painter. Instead I substituted a number of painted WW2 figures I had sitting around doing very little. Because the sides are generic, I didn't worry about colour accuracy, just in making each side different in appearance.
Here are some infantry for the Green side...
Here some Red infantry...
And here some Brown infantry...
Of course where would the infantry be without artillery, tanks and aircraft to support them. These have also been painted or they would be the same colours as the generic infantry above. In the same order as above we have...
There are also naval forces which I won't go into because we didn't use those rules in my first game (trying to keep things simple). But here's some pictures of them anyway...
All very well and good so far. So how does the game play? Well the rules are a bit too long for me to go into in depth, so instead I will say that you takes turns. During your turn you can attack other players (or neutral countries), build units and carry out diplomatic attempts to bring neutrals onto your side).
Here's an example of an attack and how it plays out.
The Gray forces are in Libya and want to take control of Egypt-Sudan held by the Red force. They Grays have 3 infantry, 1 tank, 1 artillery and 2 aircraft. The Red defenders have 2 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 tank and 1 aircraft.
The Reds as defender get to roll first. They roll 5 dice, 1 for each unit they have. They roll Infantry, Artillery, Tank, Plane and a blank. A good roll.
Because they have 1 of each of the units above, they destroy four Gray units. The rules of game specify that infantry are destroyed first, then artillery, then tanks, then aircraft, so the Grays loose all their infantry and their artillery piece, leaving them looking like this.
Now the Grays attack. They have four units left, so roll four dice, rolling artillery, tank, infantry and tank. This removes the two Red infantry units, leaving them like this...
With three units left, the Red defenders roll three dice, rolling...
so doing no damage.
The Grays roll...
Enough to do 3 damage, and eliminate the Red forces, with this result...
They Gray player now takes a random resource card from the Red player to add to his own stack. He'd better be on the alert for the counter-attack.
Hope you all enjoyed reading this.