Thanks guys, I did enjoy working with these figures.
Emperor wrote:Also one notice, althou there was no standardisation of uniform like at British and French, Ottomans had regulation of which colors could be used by Turks and which color by christians. Ottoman soldiers also had to shave their head, while christains had long hair tied in some sort of ponytail.
That's really interesting! I was wondering what colours would be acceptable. Do you happen to know which colours were for which religion? Knowing that the Turkish infantry (Janissaries, etc, which I might also attempt to paint) had no standard uniform I thought I'd make the artillery wear something uniform in recognition of their preferential status in the Turkish army.
The colours I chose for these figures incidentally were not just copied from the box cover, they were also based on this image from Claes Ralamb, the Swedish Ambassador to Turkey in the 1650s.
Horses - I know. But cannons? Seriously - what does that hammer man actually do?!