You may have already mentioned this on your blog, so apologies if I've missed big will the whole set up be? It looks like it's currently in your conservatory (?), what are your plans for storing it? How are you reaching the more central areas of the board?
A good question! The Hougoumont section is indeed in a conservatory but the other sections are being stored in a barn. The total plan looks like this:
You can see each section marked out. This is quite big and the plan is to find a purpose built location - I held a seminar with various Waterloo experts to look at this and plans are afoot to find a solution.
If you look carefully there is a classical statue at the centre of the star. How many of us have large numbers of unused figures, whose purpose, eventually, is realised?
Most of mine become casualty figures, but Caesar was a hard one to place on a Napoleonic battlefield!
Your formal garden looks great and seeing the model really brings home how big this feature is. Diagrams in books just don't have the same impact. Very impressive indeed.
Many thanks Beano Boy, is there any chance you could re-publish your post? Photoshop seems to have removed the pictures and it would be great to see it again as I was much impressed by it at the time.
Next tasks: garrison the chateau with Foot Guards Light Companies, bring the Nassauers to battalion strength, start the Scots Guards, bring in the Brunswickers and work out where the various Hanoverian companies would have been by 1800.
Well Captain, There are a few walls on display in my Link provided above. Although the work started over 18 years ago what is shown are re-built scratch-buildings of over eleven years ago. BB