While having a lazy quiet o'll day in spite of it being an early active fresh in the face new one, i thought i'd fetch down the plastic bag that hung upon one of my cast iron ornate coat hangers. And so it was that i fetched it letting it settle down while finding its own loose level upon my little work table, that is always feeling comfy warm when slid below my easy chair, or placed in this case by the bright window of mid day.
i also found the sleeping cottage that did lay beneath the flat oblong fitted to the wall t v,and both not in use were snoring away in their very own silence of sleepy dreams.
Something inside the scratch build had been based loosely upon Mr Triggles, old cast iron fireplace. So i removed the lift off roof and fetched it out after removal of the top floor. It was as simple as removing any a lid off a see through box, because that is precisely what it is.
Some of you might remember that sharp cutting edge point that damaged me old finger,but of course most of you may not?? However with the mention of it, that topic can be found way back upon the first page of this topsy turvy journal.
I decided to refit the book shelves with individual loose fitting books, and with this fresh decking out undertaken, give the scene a bit of a bellowing lift.
That sounds like full sails BB.
In reply the always grinning Mr Green asked, Well Wingnut, remember the old cottage had a salty sea 'Aye Aye Captain' timbered floor fitted from the break up of that awesome classed French Corvette Unite a highly prized Pirate Ship?
It sure did.
h m s, that was really a 1796 surprise! Mentioned the Little Button.
Very true,but that's another alternative universe story. Replied the well read over active munching Bookworm.
Sure is another mystery Pards. said the cowboy,now wearing fairly new comfy U S A woolly socks.
Sir Percy,just like myself is a wee bit untidy where stacking books neatly is concerned, but afterwards he calmly, collectedly, coolly asked for a nice fireside rug and his easy chair? i reminded him that the room is only Three inches wide.= 7.62 Centimetre.
i will c what can be done but not just now.
As another season swings ever closer
Stay safe out there and help others if you can. BB