The first moulds made in this open ended topic, delivered good sound castings for future fantasy topics. Mainly for use as props for future story`s that emotively will be set out in style to create illusion.
Waiting for that end they are shelved ready for when I wish to use them.
The requirement set out by the Title has exceeded even my expectations, and making moulds for my use has gone way beyond what i thought it would or could. By this i do not imply that it is good work,but that it is good for me with very limited skills to hand now.
i will try to explain This Pathway To An End, in order to fully explain a New Beginning Elsewhere.
The Rubber Mould, changed direction on the 8th of June this year 2016,and it has expanded as indeed have my ideas, and you are perfectly right Mr.Cryns, it is a large project and it is constantly ongoing.
"The Rubber Mould ",is and has been designed whereby universal castings can be made for my 14 x 7 foot railway layout.
i often write more than one style of story in the course of a day, but eventually upon reaching a fitting ending both covers are closed up upon such things. Meaning as this topic closes. Then construction could start and each piece will hopefully go up quick smart and in hardly any time at all.
My List cannot simply be bought from the high street or on Line,and quickly assembled and painted,because it is not in my nature to accept what is on offer, or work in that way.
1. The parts required to make my canal tunnels and culvets are all made.
2. The parts required for my railway tunnels are all made.
3. The last mould designed and made,has produced five different castings,
and all the stone parts required for my first railway bridge are all made.
Although i might only need one or perhaps two of any one item built ,i always make many more then i need.Why ? Because i`m crazy ,and it helps me get through my day.
Plans are afoot to make moulds for another few structures,
and once the parts have all been stock piled ,
then both back and front covers will be closed upon this odd rustic Topic,The Rubber Mould,
because yes it has met with all the requirements applicable to its Title.
Thank you Mr Cryns for voicing your comment.
It has felt good to try and friendly explain my pathway to a hoped for finish.
"He he he! BB,started work on his railway layout 11 years ago."
"That`s very True!"___
" It Sure is Book Worm!"
" Very True Guys,But i have so much to read my way through. And drinking lots of hot sweet Tea takes so much time.Mrs B,is making me two cups at a time now. Because she bought a special blend."
____ZIP!_______ " Off i go to the toilet again!"
It`s 05:22 in the morning and yes another night has been spent on what i love to do____Write!